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Mom, Do yourself a favor.. Book the Session!

Kristina Wikle

Life passes us by QUICK. Our kids will never be this age again. Soon, they'll be teens that are off in their own busy lives. The babies get big before we can even blink.

Don't skip family photos. Don't skip having beautiful images to look back on and remember these moments.

When was the last time YOU were in photos with your kids?

Sure we all have camera rolls full of the pictures that are adorable and cute and memorable. But get dressed up. Mamas, get in pictures with your family. Make memories with me behind the camera!

Because let me tell you.. these images of MY family are some of my most valued treasures, and cherished memories.

EXIST IN PHOTOGRAPHS for your family....

Photos of my family taken by Kristina (edited by me):

Even better, I printed these on wood, to hang on our walls surrounding the fireplace, and I LOVE admiring them every day. It reminds me of what I value, prioritize and live my life for. <3

-Brittany Clifford (associate photographer at Visual Muse Studio)

Connect and Reach out to me:

Head to my instagram: @brittany.visualmuse or Facebook: BrittanyAtVisualMuse or email to book a session now!

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